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We Stop Bullying on the Spot

We Stop Bullying on the Spot

October is National Bullying Prevention Month and it serves to remind us that students, families, teachers, and school staff all play a role in creating positive school cultures.  Together all of us at La Habra City School District (LHCSD) schools continue to raise awareness by supporting kind and respectful school cultures and  emphasizing respect and inclusion on all our campuses. Below are a few ways that we address bullying prevention at our schools:

We Stop Bullying on the Spot.  Everyone has a role to play in preventing bullying.  Effective bullying prevention approaches the problem from many angles and involves staff, students and families in creating a culture of respect. We help educate students about this important topic, including how to seek help, encourage them to engage in kindness, create opportunities for social connectedness, and to stand up for others. To learn what you can do at home, visit stopbullying.gov for more information.

Strong Relationships are the Foundation of Positive School Culture.  In LHCSD, we believe in building strong relationships to foster positive school cultures.  Districtwide initiatives such as Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Restorative Practices, Start with Hello, Kindness Week, and "Lunch Bunch" helps reinforce a culture of respect and kindness across all learning environments.  Students who feel safe and supported are more likely to achieve academic success in the long term.

Fundamentals of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).  Social and emotional learning is an integral component of education and can improve academic performance, behavioral outcomes and school culture.  Dedicated teams of school counselors, school psychologists and mental health clinicians provide both direct and indirect support to students and families through focused SEL lessons, individual and small groups, school-wide campaigns, family workshops and so much more!  Want to learn more? Come to our Wellness Wednesday on October 26th!  

Our Schools Promote Positive Digital Citizenship and the Appropriate Use of Social Media. We use Common Sense Media curriculum that provides information and resources for staff, students and families. Our staff teaches  students about appropriate online behavior in kindergarten and grade appropriate lessons continue through 8th grade. Students receive lessons on media balance and well-being; privacy & security; their digital footprint and online identity; appropriate relationships and communication online; cyberbullying, digital drama, & hate speech; and they develop their news and media literacy.

We Encourage All Students to Say Something.  We want all students to know they are not alone and that their voice matters.  Our school staff strive to create positive relationships with students so they have a trusted adult they can share their concerns with.  LHCSD’s See Something Hear Something Say Something campaign encourages students to seek support from school staff either in person or anonymously for themselves or for friends.