Back to School Frequenly Asked Questions (FAQ)

Continuity of Learning

Learning Model Options

Q: Once I select a learning model, can I move my child to the other model?
A: Families may request a change in program option.  These will be considered based on staff and space availability.

Q: What if I want to change to Virtual Learning Model?
A: Families and staff had the opportunity to select either the Distance Learning 2.0/Hybrid at their school or the Virtual Learning Model (VLM) prior to the start of this school year.  Now that staffing has been established for all nine schools and the VLM school, there is limited availability to change.

Families that request a transfer into a different school will be considered before the start of each trimester and prioritized based on a few factors: 

  1. reason for request 
  2. date of request 
  3. Space availability in requested grade level 

To request a school transfer, please speak to your child’s principal.

Q: What is the difference between Distance Learning 2.0 and the Virtual Learning Model?
A: Distance Learning 2.0/Hybrid Learning Model will have students transition to in-person/on-campus, blending on campus with distance learning. Virtual Learning Model will continue 100% online for the entire school year.

Q: How will students be selected for A/B Cohorts in the Hybrid Learning Model?
A: Site Principals will create AM and PM Cohorts based on a variety of factors, including the following::

  • Approximately ½ the class for physical distancing
  • Keep families together
  • Balanced classes/Instructional needs
  • Transportation needs

Q: What does a typical day look like in Hybrid Learning Model?
A: In the AM/PM Hybrid Instructional Model, students will continue to receive four half-days of instruction on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in either the morning or afternoon.   On Wednesdays, teachers will continue to provide a daily live check-in with their students to give instructions and clarification for the at-home work for the remainder of the day.  

In the AM/PM model, all students may receive a Grab-and-Go meal bag with both breakfast and lunch included.  Eating at home will minimize the spread of germs and keep our students and staff safe.  In between the AM and PM cohort of students, classrooms and common areas will be cleaned.  

Students will have scheduled bathroom breaks to ensure proper physical distancing and hand washing.  Students will have supervised breaks with their classroom teacher or Physical Education teacher on a rotating basis. 

Q: Will students still be on Zoom with their teachers at times during the day when they are not at school?
A: In the Hybrid Instructional Model, teachers will assign asynchronous work daily that will not require zoom. 

On Wednesdays, teachers will have a synchronous/live lesson for a minimum of 30 minutes. These will be done via Zoom or other platforms for live instruction.

Q: How will special education services be available through the Hybrid Learning Model?
A: Student enrolled in General Education Classes: Individual and small group instruction in-person during AM or PM Cohort.  Services may also continue remotely depending on students’ IEP

Student enrolled in Special Education Classes:

  • Pre-School students receive In-person instruction 4 days a week for 2  hour
  • TK-8 students receive all required instructional minutes in-person 4 days a week in the morning

Q: Will my child still have PE?
A: Students will have in-person PE.  During PE they will stay physically distanced and not share equipment.

Q: What if my child has to quarantine? How will they continue learning?
A: If a family determines that it is necessary to quarantine, the family can reach out to the teacher and principal to make arrangements for an alternative educational opportunity.


Q: Will my child have access to electives?
A:  Yes!  Students at the middle school level will have elective offerings.

Q: If my child is in the International Baccalaureate IB program, will my student receive IB instruction in both models?
A: Yes, in both models, students will have opportunities to learn IB content such as  the transdisciplinary themes and learner profile attributes.

Q: If my child is in the Dual Immersion program and I choose the Virtual learning Model, will my child still be enrolled in Dual Immersion for next year?
A:As long as families have selected either the Distance Learning 2.0/Hybrid Learning Model or the VirtualLearning Model, students will remain enrolled in the Dual Immersion Program in the 2021-2022 school year.


Q: What does a typical day look like in Distance Learning 2.0 and Virtual Learning Models?
A: See below.

  • Daily instruction will include a balance of both live (synchronous) interaction and independent (asynchronous) learning and activities, very similar to what occurs in a traditional classroom setting.
  • On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, elementary students will be engaged in core, standards-based instruction for Language Arts (Reading and Writing), English Language Development, Mathematics, Social Studies/History, and/or Science
  • On Wednesdays, teachers will check in with their students in the morning, then students will complete asynchronous learning.
  • Middle school students will have designated periods each day:
    • Periods 1-4 on Mondays & Thursdays
    • Periods 5-7 on Tuesdays & Fridays
  • Please note that specific schedules and details will be created and communicated by the classroom teacher on their website.

Q: How much time will students get with their teacher?
A: Students will receive their core instruction with their teacher in the morning for a minimum of 180 minutes (TK/K) 230 (1st-3rd) or 240 (4th-8th).  This instruction will include direct live instruction, small group/individual instruction and independent work.

Q: Will students be on Zoom for the entire time with their teachers?
A:No, daily instruction will include both live (synchronous) and independent (asynchronous) learning.  Teachers will provide students breaks.

Q: How will my child be graded?
A: Each individual teacher will be informing parents of grading procedures for their class.  Tk-5th grade students will receive a standards-based report card.  Students in 6th-8th grade will receive letter based grades.

Q: How will attendance be taken?
A: See below.

  • Attendance will be mandatory for students in both the Distance Learning 2.0/Hybrid Learning Model and the Virtual Learning Model. 
  • Students will have daily attendance taken in their live sessions and weekly engagement/work completion monitored.  If students are not attending or completing work, we will know about it and be contacting families for support.

Q: What learning platforms will be used for Distance Learning 2.0? Virtual Learning Model?
A: Learning platforms will be the same for both models. At this time we will continue to use two main delivery platforms - Google Classroom and Seesaw.

Special Education / 504 Plan

Q: I am interested in enrolling my child in the Virtual Learning Model, will special education services be provided?
A: The IEP team will need to review the student’s goals and services to determine if their needs can be met through an exclusively online platform.

Q: Will special education services be available through distance learning?
A: Yes, students receiving special education will receive individual and small group instruction online while the district is providing instruction through an online model.  When it is safe to return to school in a hybrid model, services will be provided in person to the greatest extent possible. 

Q: My child has specific services on his/her IEP.  How will his needs be met online?
A: The IEP team will convene at the start of the year to review how services can be addressed through an online platform.  Reasonable accommodations will be discussed to support online learning.

Q: My child has a 504 plan, will accommodations be provided during distance learning?
A: Yes, the 504 team will convene at the start of school to review accommodations that can be implemented during distance learning.


Student / Staff Health and Safety

Q: Are face masks mandatory for both staff and students?
A: A face mask is required for all staff and students unless specified in an IEP or by a medical professional. The CDPH requires a face mask. In addition to a face mask, a face shield may also be worn.

Face masks are required and will be available for students and staff not bringing their own.

Please note that all adults on campus will share in the responsibility of enforcing mask wearing and reteaching students when necessary.

Q: What safety measures will be in place when students return in-person?
A: LHCSD will follow CDPH Health and Safety Guidelines for safely reopening school campuses for learning::

  • General Measures, such as developing common safety procedures across the district
  • Promoting healthy hygiene practices
  • Enforcing proper use of face coverings
  • Ensuring teacher and staff safety
  • Implementing protocols for cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation
  • Implementing physical distancing inside and outside of the classroom
  • Limited sharing of individual supplies and materials 
  • Training all staff and students and also educate families
  • Regularly check for signs and symptoms of illness
  • Planning for when a staff member, child, or visitor is sick
  • Maintaining healthy operations
  • Considerations for reopening and partial or total closure

Q: Will students still have recess? If so, what are the safety guidelines?
A: Students will not have an open recess, but rather supervised breaks with their cohort.

Students will not be allowed on the play structures.  

Each site will have its own safety plan for student breaks. We will comply with the guidance for physical distancing.

Q: What do I do if my child or someone in our family is diagnosed with COVID?
A: Parents will be asked to complete an at home symptom check of their child before bringing to school.

In the event of a confirmed case, LHCSD Health Services Department will contact families to gather more information.

Q: How will the school report positive COVID cases or potential exposures to COVID to families?
A: The District will notify local health officials, staff and families of any positive case of COVID-19, while maintaining confidentiality as required by state and federal laws.

  • The District will close off areas used by any sick person and will not allow use until cleaning and disinfection has occurred 
  • The District has developed measures to be taken when a student, teacher or staff member reports that they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are a close contact with someone who is infected

Q: How will social/physical distancing be enforced?
A: Each site will have its own plan for physical distancing.

Signs will be posted throughout the campus to remind students to remain physically distanced and wear a face mask. 

Q: Where can I find updated information about safety guidelines related to COVID?
A: Guidelines and considerations are based on the best available public health data at this time, along with the practical realities of managing school operations.

Continual updates are provided by:

  • California Department of Education (CDE) Guidelines for Reopening Schools -
  • Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for Schools: Covid-19 -
  • Orange County Health Care Agency  Covid-19 Resources -
  • California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Covid-19 Industry Guidance -

Q: What happens if my child gets sick at school?
A: Students and staff who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 will go to an isolation area until they can be transported home or to a healthcare facility.

Families will be notified of positive Covid-19 cases their child may have been exposed to, while following confidentiality laws.

The COVID Schools Response Team (Public Health Nurses and Physicians) will provide  guidance to administrators that have identified a COVID-19 case or exposure in students or staff including contact tracing and post exposure recommendations.

Q: How will children be screened before going to school every day?
A: Families will get a checklist to pre-screen children at home
Temperature checks will be conducted upon entry for students

Q: How is LHCSD implementing safety guidelines for each school?
A: Each school has a safety plan that is developed by school staff in collaboration with district staff.

Q: How will classes be cleaned between cohorts?
A: Common touch surfaces such as door handles, light switches, sink handles, bathroom surfaces, tables, student desks, and chairs will be cleaned regularly. Restrooms will be sanitized throughout the day.

Q: How will schools keep frequently touched areas clean?
A: The health and safety of our students, staff, and families is of the utmost importance. When the 2020-2021 school year begins, on-campus school activities and in classroom instruction will look much different than previous years due to new health and safety measures. Among those are the following:

  • Upon reopening, all schools will be completely cleaned and disinfected. 
  • All air filters in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units will be replaced before the school year begins and refreshed regularly. 
  • High traffic areas and high touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected daily. 
  • School offices and classrooms will be sanitized every evening using the Victory Innovations Electrostatic Sprayer. 
  • All cleaning and disinfecting products will be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for use against COVID-19 and will comply with the Healthy Schools Act.

Q: What health & safety guidelines will be enforced and how will students be trained?
A: Staff and students are expected to wash/sanitize their hands frequently throughout the day, including before and after eating, after coughing or sneezing, before and after using the restroom, and after classes.

  • wash hands for 20 seconds with soap, rubbing thoroughly after application
  • hand sanitizer will be in every classroom and workstation  
  • avoid contact with one's eyes, nose, and mouth, and cover coughs and sneezes

Q: What are the drop off and pick up procedures?
A: Each site has specific protocols for student dismissal, dismissal locations, and  waiting areas. In order to limit exposures, LHCSD has proposed staggered start dates for grade spans, limiting the number of students on campus. 

Q: Will schools be providing face masks to the students?
A: Yes, face masks and face shields will be available to students if they do not have one. 

QWhat safety measures will be in place when students return in-person?
A: See below.

  • Students will have their temperatures taken with no-touch thermometers prior to boarding a school bus or entering campus.
  • Face masks and shields will be provided to staff and students who need them.
  • Classrooms will not mix and stay as one unit (cohort).
  • Classrooms will adhere to social distancing guidelines.
  • Breakfast, lunch, and recess times will adhere to social distancing guidelines.
  • Students will learn and maintain proper hygiene by frequently washing their hands and using safe and effective sanitizer.
  • Classrooms and common areas will be cleaned and sanitized daily.
  • Plexiglass will be installed on all service counters and desks.
  • Staff will have portable plexiglass sneeze guards to use when needed.
  • Student supplies will not be shared


Social Emotional Support for Students and Staff

Q: How will social-emotional learning needs be addressed for students as they return to school after being gone since March?
A: All students will continue to receive:

  • Social-Emotional Learning  and wellness curriculum
  • Access to school psychologists, school counselors, and interns as needed
  • Referrals to community mental health partners as needed

Q: How will social emotional learning needs be addressed for students in TK/K? How will social distancing be addressed?
A: Weekly lessons will be provided with specific topics to help students transition to school.  One of the very first topics will be focused on starting school in a distance learning model. Classroom “circles” will allow staff to facilitate conversations to help students understand the impact of COVID-19 and expected behaviors when at school and at home.

Q: How will SEL be addressed for all students?
A: The La Habra City School District recognizes the importance of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) especially during a global pandemic.  The District is committed to continuing the development of SEL that can be accessed regardless of learning models students are engaged in. SEL will continue to be integrated throughout the school day through check-ins, class community building, and targeted lessons.

Q: Where can I find information about helping my child with social emotional issues?
A: The District website will link parents to resources supporting students social emotional learning and wellness.  If parents need additional support, they can contact their school psychologists or school counselors.


Community Needs

Nutrition Services

Q: Will lunch be served when students return to the hybrid learning model?
A: Yes. At dismissal, students will pick up a “grab and go” meal with their lunch (and breakfast for the next day).

Q: Can my child bring a snack from home?
A: Yes. Students will be able to eat snacks at designated times and in designated spaces. Please note the following general guidelines:

  • Students and staff are asked not to share food or beverages with each other
  • Personal food delivery will not be allowed on campus

Please refer to the school site for more specific information.

Q: Will lunch be provided for students in the Virtual Learning Model?
A: Yes. The District is planning to a meal drop off location.  We will communicate the location and times to families

Q: How will meals be delivered to those families most in need?
A: Yes.  The District is planning to have multiple meal drop off locations.  We will communicate the locations and times to families.

Q: Will meals be provided for families that choose the Virtual Learning Model?
A: Yes. The District is planning to have multiple meal drop off locations.  We will communicate the locations and times to families.

Q: How do we pay for meals?
A: See below.

  • For students who qualify for free/reduced meals, parents or caregivers must apply online at
  • If you do not qualify for free/reduced meals you must prepay for meals by adding money to your students account.  To add money visit
  • If you have questions regarding eligibility contact Nutrition Services.


Q: Will KidZone be open and will they be assisting with the distance learning?
A: KidZone will be available for La Habra families and essential workers whose students were enrolled in the program last year.  You will be receiving an email from KidZone with details..  Students in this program will be assisted with Distance Learning.

Q: Will ASES be available and will they be assisting with distance learning?
A: Under the model of Distance Learning, ASES will be operating Mon-Fri at each site. If you are interested in having your child participate in ASES, please contact the Boys and Girls Club at (562) 315-8207. Principals, teachers, and staff will use the beginning of the year to determine the learning gaps and we are establishing interventions protocols to assist the students who may have fallen behind.

Q: Where can I find information about childcare during distance learning?
A: If your child was enrolled in KidZone last year, you will be receiving an email with information. For ASES please contact them at (562) 315-8207.


Q: Will bus transportation be provided?
A: Yes. Transportation will be available; however, to maintain physical distancing, transportation on busses will be limited.

Q: How will busses be cleaned?
A: Buses will be sanitized before and after each route.

Q: How will physical distancing be enforced on the bus?
A: Physical distancing will be implemented on all bus routes including structured seating protocol

Q: What safety precautions will be in place on the bus?
A: See below.

  • School buses will have limited capacity so that students are social distancing.
  • A parent/caregiver must be present at the bus stop during morning student pickup.
  • Students will have their temperatures taken, if there is a fever detected the student will not be allowed to board the bus.

Family Involvement / Information

Q: How do I access Aeries Parent Portal?

Q: How do I set up an Aeries account?
A: Aeries Parent Portal accounts get created with the email address you entered in when you enroll your child into LHCSD. We have an instructional video ( with instructions on how to log into your Aeries account. If you can't get access to your Aeries Parent Portal account, please submit a Help request by going to and filling out the form. You will be contacted by LHCSD Technology for further assistance.

Q: If we choose to be in virtual learning are we going to be able to stay connected to our home school for parent involvement  (ie. DELAC, ELAC, PAC etc.)?
A: The District would like families to maintain connection to their school community and attend their site-based family meetings.. Students in the Virtual Learning Model, will continue to be identified as a student at their homeschool in our school data base (Aeries) and will also be identified as a Virtual Learning Model student. Please note that the Teacher of Record in the Virtual Learning Model may not be a teacher assigned to their homeschool.

Q: Will we have classes or training for parents?
A: Yes, sites will continue to hold training sessions for family members to support their children to be successful with distance learning.

Q: Where can I access the information from the July 2020 Town Hall Meetings?
A: Please check our homepage for information presented at the Townhall meeting. The recorded session can also be found at


Technology Support

Q: When students return to in-person learning, will they keep the district-issued device?
A: Yes. Students will keep their issued iPads for the duration of the school year.

Q: How will students’ devices remain clean and sanitary ?
A: Student devices will not be shared. The technology department can santize your child's device if necessary during the 9-2 technology support hours.

Q: We are new to the school district, how will a device be issued to my child?
A: Parents are asked to enroll their child on-line.  Once online registration is completed instructions will be given to request a device.  For any questions related to technology, please contact our Technology Department at (562) 690-2305, Ext. 80900 

Q: If I need technical assistance with a device or app, who do I contact?
A: Our LHCSD Technology Team will be available to assist our parents and students. Tech Support requests can be submitted at

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