Title III Plan
Title III 2015-2016 Budget
by Teresa Egan
Title III 2015-2016 Budget
Title III 2015-2016 - Budget
Title III Plan Year 4
by Teresa Egan
In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 2001, Title III, Districts that do not meet one or more of the Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) for their English Learners in a year are subject to specific accountability requirements. If a Title III-funded District does not meet one or more of the three AMAOs in any year, it must inform the parents of all English Learners (ELs) in the District that the AMAOs have not been met.
In addition, as per Title III, Section 3122(b)(2), Districts that do not meet one or more AMAOs for two consecutive years are required to develop an improvement plan that will ensure that the District meets the AMAOs. This requirement can be addressed via the Title III, Year 4 Improvement Plan. (see attached link)
La Habra City School District Title III - Y4 - Action Plan -2015-2016.pdf