Finishing Strong while Having Fun at Arbolita Elementary

Finishing Strong while Having Fun at Arbolita Elementary

It is hard to believe that there are only two months remaining of this school year!

We have had a fantastic year, and we still have a ton of fun and learning ahead of us. We recently completed seven performances of our Lion King Jr. musical, and we anticipate more live performances at our Arbolita Arts Festival on Friday, May 29 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Please join us!

Our second eight-week session of our before and after-school EPIC (Engaging Programs Impacting Children) programs has begun. In addition to participating in after-school athletics, our children also take part in run club, NASA Mad Science, chemistry, cake decorating, and more. The Newport Sea Base and Oso Lake field trips for our children were fantastic, and they still have one more field trip planned to Irvine Lake. These additional enrichment and intervention options have been quite beneficial for our students, and they will continue throughout the summer.

As the school year draws to a close, we pause to consider all of the good things that happened this year as well as the areas where we may grow and develop in the upcoming school year. At Arbolita, we appreciate the help from our family, neighborhood, and District. Here’s to finishing 2022-2023 strong!