Board Resolutions
- Resolution #13-2024: Suicide Prevention Month
- Resolution #12-2024: Attendane Awareness Month
- Resolution #11-2024: Education Protection Act
- Resolution #10-2024: Fund Balance Commitment
- Resolution #8-2024: Initiate a Transition to a By-Trustee Area Election System Commencing with the 2026 Board of Education Election
- Resolution #7-2024 - Ordering an Election, and Establishing Specifications of the Election Order
- Resolution #6-2024: Mental Heath Awareness Month
- Resolution #5-2024: Order of Biennial Trustee Election and Specifications of the Election Order
- Resolution #4-2024: Nonreelection of Certiicated 1st Year Probationary and Temporary Employees (Voted on during Closed Session; Read-out was conducted in Open Session. Minutes will be posted after the May 16, 2024, Board Meeting.)
- Resolution #3-2024: Staff Appreciation Week
- Resolution #2-2024: Fee Justification
- Resolution #1-2024: Classified Layoffs