School District Foster Youth Liaison

Every school district and County of Education must have an educational liasion for foster youth.  The duties of the liaisons are:

  • To ensure proper school placement, enrollment and check from school;
  • To assist with the transfer of grades, credits and records when youth transfer schools;
  • To complete school records requests (EC 48853.5)

Dr. Cammie Nguyen, Assistant Superintendent of Special Education and Student Services

(562) 690-2305 x 80801

Role of the School
Educational placements of foster youth must be made to ensure that youth have access to the same resources available to all students, that the educational placement is the least restrictive environment, and that the educational placement in the youth’s best interest. (WIC 361, 726, Ed Code 48853).

Right to remain in school of origin: If the child’s residential placement changes, the school district must allow the child to remain in his/her school of origin for the duration of the school year, provided it is in her best interest to do so. The child’s best interest is determined by the school district’s foster care liaison, the person who holds education rights, and the child. If a dispute arises, the child has the right to remain in her school of origin until the dispute is resolved. (EC 48853.5).

Immediate Enrollment
The child has the right to be immediately enrolled in the new school without school records, immunization records, uniforms, etc. (EC 48853.5(d)(4)(b)).

Transportation Procedures
To ensure school stabliity under ESSA for youth in foster care to maintain school of origin placement, the District will do the following:

  1. Request from social services the anticipated placement of the youth.
  2. Contact the educational rights holder to discuss the best interest determination and collaborate with social worker and District of Location (DOL).
  3. If the foster youth resides within the Orange County's boundaries, the District of Origin (DOR) will evaluate effective options when applicable.
  4. If the poster youth resides outside the Orange Couny's boundaries, the DOR will assess effective cost options and collaborate with SSA to share additional costs if applicable.  

In addition, we are able to provide supplementary support to remove barriers for Foster Youth and Probation Youth students to enable them to attend school. These are only accessible pending availability and in limited quantity. These supports may include clothing, shoes, uniforms, backpacks and school supplies. To access these supports, please contact the Special Education and Student Services Department.