Important Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update - School Closures

Important Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update - School Closures

Please visit this website for continued updates regarding the coronavirus

Update March 15, 2020

Good Evening Parents and Guardians,

We would like to remind you that after expert guidance from the Orange County Department of Public Health, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and with the support of the Orange County Department of Education, all schools in the La Habra City School District (LHCSD) remain closed beginning tomorrow, March 16. Our KidZone, ASES and School Readiness programs will also be closed.

With the closing of our schools, plans to support student learning and nutrition services will be implemented. On Tuesday, March 17, between the hours of 9:00 am and Noon, parents or guardians may pick up optional learning activities for enrichment and reinforcement at your child’s school. Our teachers and staff will plan for distance learning should school closures continue after Spring Break. As we continue to develop our plans for distance learning opportunities for our students, LHCSD is asking our families to please take a brief survey to let us know your ability to access technology from home. This survey is for planning purposes as a proactive measure. Please click on the link below to access the survey.

LHCSD will begin a Grab and Go lunch program for children ages 18 and under starting on Monday, March 16. The lunches will be distributed from curbside pickup at Walnut Elementary, Las Lomas Elementary and Washington Middle School, Monday through Friday from 10:30 am to 12:30 p.m., and will continue through the duration of the closure, but not during our scheduled Spring Break. Students must be present to receive these meals, and no enrollment paperwork will be needed to participate.

During this time of uncertainty, we will continue to communicate with you often and will provide any new information as it becomes available. We ask that you continue to visit our website at and our District social media on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Please review your contact information and verify it is up to date through the Parent Portal. If you have any questions, please call us at (562) 690-2305.

Thank you for your understanding and collaboration as we make decisions for the health and welfare of our students, staff and community. By working together, we can and will continue to support our students and community through this difficult time.

All my best to you and your family.

Joanne Culverhouse


Update March 13, 2020

La Habra City School District
Schools Closure Announcement

Dear La Habra City School District Families, Staff and Community,
The La Habra City School District is committed to the health and welfare of our students, staff and community.  After discussions with the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) and recommendations from the California Department of Public Health regarding coronavirus (COVID-19), the Board of Education has made the decision to close all schools to students beginning Monday, March 16th out of an abundance of caution.  Schools will tentatively reopen after Spring Break on Monday, March 30th pending further recommendations from county and state agencies.  The District is also preparing for distance learning opportunities should schools remain closed.

The District is committed to providing enrichment opportunities during our school closure from March 16th through March 20th. Teachers and staff will prepare optional enrichment lessons which will be available through our website or can be picked up at your child’s school on Tuesday, March 17th between 9:00am to 12:00pm.

We understand that school closures affect all families, and we are committed to addressing the needs of all our learners. We will continue to offer lunches next week (March 16th through March 20th) to all children under the age of 19 through curbside pickup at Walnut, Las Lomas and Washington Middle School from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Children must be present in order to receive their lunch meal.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time. Please continue to follow the recommendations from the health care agencies and minimize social contact as much as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and collaboration as we make decisions for the health and welfare of our students, staff and community. Together we will successfully navigate these uncertain times. Please visit our website at for updated information.

Joanne Culverhouse

Update March, 12 2020

Dear La Habra City School District Families:
The La Habra City School District is committed to the health and safety of our students, staff, and community. We are closely monitoring recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) and the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) in preventing the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Thank you for your diligence in adhering to the preventative measures to help stop the spread of COVID-19. I want to reassure you that at this time, there are no known cases of COVID-19 among any District students and staff. Regular instruction continues as planned and the District continues to closely monitor this evolving situation.

Newly issued guidelines from Governor Newsom and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) have recommended the postponement or cancellation of all non-essential events and non-essential travel. In accordance with these recommendations, all field trips, after-school events, scheduled Open Houses and assemblies are postponed at this time. Kidzone, School Readiness, and ASES programs will remain open. We know our families and students have been looking forward to these events and trips, but the health and safety of our students and staff are of paramount importance.

I want to remind you of the importance of practicing preventative measures outlined by the CDC:

  • Good hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover coughs and sneezes, and stay home if you notice symptoms of illness. Keep unwashed hands out of eyes, mouth and nose. Students with fevers should not return to school until they are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
  • Limit contact: The CDC urges people to avoid close contact with people who are sick and to avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Clean spaces: Clean and disinfect surfaces and frequently touched objects.
  • Stay updated: The CDC is constantly updating its website including accurate information on confirmed cases in the U.S. You can visit the CDC website by clicking here.
  • Masks: The CDC has indicated people who are well should not rely on facemasks to protect themselves from any respiratory disease, although they are advised for health care workers.

We continue to monitor and assess any and all new developments. In the event COVID-19 is identified in our District boundaries, we may implement further actions such as changes to daily schedules, temporary school dismissals, and/or school closures. We will keep you informed if any of these changes become necessary. Principals will communicate to their school communities regarding postponed or canceled events and activities. We thank you all for your continued partnership to help ensure the health and welfare of our students and community. Please continue to visit for updates and information.


Joanne Culverhouse, Ed.D.

Update March, 12 2020

Update March 12: The La Habra City School District is aware of the newly issued guidelines from Governor Newsom and the California Department of Public Health.  The District will follow all guidelines and provide an update to our community shortly.  Similar to all Orange County K-12 school districts, there has been no guidance to close schools.  Schools remain open.  Visit for more information and  for LHCSD updates and information. 

Update March, 05 2020

Dear La Habra City School District Parents, Guardians and Community Members,


The health and wellness of our students, staff, and community is a top priority. We continue to work closely with the Orange County Department of Education and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to monitor the latest developments on the coronavirus. 

In an effort to decrease the risks of spreading the coronavirus, wall mounted antibacterial dispensers, are being installed at each school. Our custodial teams are disinfecting all door hardware, restrooms, and sinks daily and the transportation department is disinfecting the buses nightly.

 Working together, we will continue to keep our students safe. Please continue to monitor our website for updated information at


Dr. Joanne Culverhouse

Spanish - Español

Estimados Padres, Tutores y Miembros de la Comunidad del Distrito Escolar de La Habra,

La salud y bienestar de nuestros estudiantes, personal educativo y de la comunidad es una prioridad importante para nosotros.  Continuamos trabajando con el Departamento de Educación al igual que con el Centro de Control de Enfermedades y Prevención para observar el desarrollo del coronavirus.

En un esfuerzo por disminuir los riesgos de propagación del coronavirus, se están instalando dispensadores de jabón antibacterial instalados en la pared en cada escuela. Nuestros equipos de conserjes desinfectan todas las perillas de las puertas, baños y lavamanos diariamente, como también el departamento de transporte desinfecta los autobuses todas las noches.

Trabajando juntos, continuaremos manteniendo a nuestros estudiantes seguros. Por favor sigan revisando nuestro sitio web, lahabrá para obtener información actualizada.


Dr. Joanne Culverhouse

March 02, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians,
The La Habra School District continues to closely monitor the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, situation.  All schools in the La Habra City School District remain open.
As you may be aware, the County of Orange has declared a local health emergency to prepare for COVID-19.  The Orange County Health Care Agency continues to engage and monitor the rapidly changing worldwide response to COVID-19. For updates as they pertain to the La Habra City School District, please visit our website at
The disease has spread to other countries and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has issued new travel warnings with increased concern for South Korea, Japan and Italy. Travel warnings for China have not changed, and the CDC has lowered their level of concern for travel to Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Additional detail about these warnings can be found on the CDC website.
The CDC also recently shared that the coronavirus almost certainly will begin spreading in communities in the United States, and Americans should begin preparations now. The La Habra City School District is working with county health officials to establish protocols for schools in the event that coronavirus does spread in Orange County.  More information will be shared as this plan develops.  In the meantime, current information about the coronavirus is available on the CDC, California Department of Public Health and O.C. Health Care Agency websites.
As a reminder, if your child is sick, please keep him/her home from school. To help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including the coronavirus and flu, follow these important tips:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Individuals with chronic health issues and/or individuals experiencing severe symptoms should be evaluated by a medical professional.
  • Get your flu shot every year.

Additionally, the California Department of Public Health does not recommend the use of face masks for general prevention and says that handwashing provides better protection from infectious diseases.
The La Habra City School District will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary.  We thank you for your cooperation and support.

Joanne Culverhouse, Ed.D.  
La Habra City School District


Spanish - Español


Queridos Padres y Tutores Legales,
El Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de La Habra continúa monitoreando de cerca la situación del coronavirus, también conocido como COVID-19. Todas las escuelas en el distrito escolar de la ciudad de La Habra permanecen abiertas.
Como usted podría ya saber, el Condado de Orange ha declarado una emergencia local para prepararse para COVID-19.  La Agencia de Atención Médica del Condado de Orange continúa comprometiéndose y monitoreando la respuesta mundial que cambia rápidamente a COVID-19. Para actualizaciones relacionadas con el Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de La Habra, visite nuestro sitio web en
La enfermedad se ha extendido a otros países y los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) han emitido nuevas advertencias de viaje con mayor preocupación por Corea del Sur, Japón e Italia.  Las advertencias de viaje para China no han cambiado, y los CDC han reducido su nivel de preocupación para viajar a Hong Kong y Taiwán.  Se pueden encontrar detalles adicionales sobre estas advertencias en el sitio web de los CDC.
Los CDC también compartieron recientemente que el coronavirus seguramente comenzará a propagarse en las comunidades de los Estado Unidos, y los estadounidenses deberían comenzar los preparativos ahora.  El Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de La Habra está trabajando con los funcionarios de salud del condado para establecer protocolos para las escuelas en caso de que el coronavirus se propague en el Condado de Orange.  Se compartirá más información a medida que se desarrolle este plan.  Mientras tanto, la información actual sobre el coronavirus está disponible en los sitios web de los CDC, del Departamento de Salud Pública de California, y del Agencia de Salud Pública del Condado de Orange.
Como recordatorio, si su hijo está enfermo, por favor no lo envíe a la escuela, manténgalo en casa.  Para ayudar a prevenir la propagación de virus respiratorios, incluyendo el coronavirus y la gripe, siga estos consejos importantes:

  • Lávese las manos con frecuencia con agua y jabón durante al menos 20 segundos.  Si no hay agua y jabón disponibles, use un desinfectante para manos a base de alcohol.
  • Evite tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la boca con las manos sucias.  
  • Evite el contacto cercano con personas que están enfermas.
  • Quédese en casa cuando esté enfermo.
  • Cúbrase la tos o estornudo con un pañuelo desechable, luego tírelo a la basura.
  • Limpie y desinfecte objetos y superficies que se tocan con frecuencia.
  • Las personas con problemas de salud crónicas y/o las personas que experimentan síntomas graves deben ser evaluados por un profesional médico.
  • Vacúnese contra la gripe cada año.

Además, el Departamento de Salud Pública de California no recomienda el uso de mascarillas para la prevención general y dice que el lavado de manos provee una mejor protección contra las enfermedades infecciosas.
El Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de La Habra continuará monitoreando la situación y proveerá actualizaciones según sea necesario.  Agradecemos su cooperación y apoyo.
Joanne Culverhouse, Ed.D.
Districto escolar de la Ciudad de La Habra