Success Starts in Early Learning

Success Starts in Early Learning

Early Learning continues to build and support strong children and families!

As the students move on to the next phase of their education, we are focused on their growth and learning. Students learn how to interact with others, be independent, and share resources in our School Readiness classes.

Many of the children in our School Readiness program will start transitional kindergarten (TK) and kindergarten in the La Habra City School District. The Early Learning TK students making the transition to kindergarten are celebrated by the staff. Their language, play, and peer connections have all grown. The La Habra City School District’s Early Learning students have a firm grasp of the fundamentals and are prepared to flourish in TK and kindergarten! Success starts in La Habra City School District’s TK and kindergarten classrooms!

In order to enroll in TK, children must turn four years old by August 31, 2023, or earlier. Children must be five years old on or before September 1, 2023, to be eligible to enroll in kindergarten. We are eager to assist your family and children! Families who wish to enroll in TK and kindergarten for the 2023–2024 academic year can call the Early Learning office at (562) 690–2386.